olga_zhitnikova ([info]olga_zhitnikova) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-19 22:14:00

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you are all yous
A couple billion years ago, we formed cell-walls against the ocean around us. We started to carry our own special ocean around inside us. We were magic chemistry, and we didn't want to wash away. We became homes for our juices.A couple less billion years ago, we clustering together with other single-cell critters to form greater things. We started to carry others around with us. We were magic chimeras, and we didn't want to wash away. We became home to the cells that were home to the juices.A couple thousand years ago, we gathered together with other composite beings to build houses. We needed an environment seperate from the weather around us. We were frail pink things that didn't have the cell-families to make protective fur. We extended the concept of home outside of our skin and made places to live that could last generations.You're a trillion little critters that all agree to be a person. You carry an ocean around for them. Your blood simulates the tides and your enzymatic fire simulates the sun. You rule by committee of neurons. Anarchy could be disastrous.We live lives that make our cells unhappy. Their kids live in broken homes and aren't always suited to the old hereditary jobs. It just takes one to light the fire. Half of us can expect revolution within our lifetimes. Would you let yourself become a police state?

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