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@ 2006-08-15 18:27:00

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Pukkelpop weather 2
Thursday, Aug 17
Hasselt, Belgium Weather Rain High: 25° C RealFeel: 23° C
Hasselt, Belgium Weather Thursday Night: Rain Low: 8° C RealFeel: 15° C
Friday, Aug 18
Hasselt, Belgium Weather A morning thunderstorm possible; otherwise, mostly cloudy High: 26° C RealFeel: 26° C
Hasselt, Belgium Weather Friday Night: Partly cloudy Low: 15° C RealFeel: 12° C
Saturday, Aug 19
Hasselt, Belgium Weather Rather cloudy with an afternoon or evening thunderstorm possible High: 25° C RealFeel: 23° C
Hasselt, Belgium Weather Saturday Night: A thunderstorm possible in the evening; otherwise, partly cloudy Low: 11° C RealFeel: 9° C

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