noname ([info]noname) rakstīja,
@ 2003-03-07 02:10:00

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dating people from NY isnt that bad..
it is 2am now...18 hours without sleep...go me!! I wonder how long can I do this....

had a boring day, walked about 10 miles, bought new shoes, went on a date with the shoes I bought, came home now.

A. is very nice actually but I doubt that I want a serious relationship with him....

I think I will move....this part of the city I know too well...hehe..who am I cheating? the thing is that they want more money for this stupid place. I am paying too much already but they want even more...grrr...I hate moving around....this will be the 6th time since I came to NY.

going to sleep now, goodnigth...

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