my business ([info]nikita) rakstīja,
@ 2003-07-31 21:55:00

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Tieši tā! :DD neee nu bet ir ir taisnība. absolūti.

You Are a Like Breasts!

No matter if you're a guy or a girl.

You are sexy and confident!

You are level headed and "up" for anything.

Everyone feels your "perkiness"...

And your open attitude about sex and your own sexuality.


Your Sexual Energy is Gray!

You're not as pure as White or as kinky as Black...

But you represent a delicious middle ground.

You are a sexual shape shifter and more diverse than any other color.

Your sexual obsessions change from week to week.

You're into anything, as long as it doesn't get old.

You've been a nymph, virgin, slave, and domme - sometimes in the same night.

You find your lovers anywhere and everywhere... every person has potential.

And while your affair burns bright like a flame - it extinguishes as quickly.

You crave variety on your relationships, none can last long before you get bored.

Ready for a change up? Slow things down a little.

You don't have to wear a collar and carry a whip on the same night.

Relax, you'll experience it all eventually. There's no rush!

Pink and Mandy Moore are celebrities that share your Gray sexual energy.

For an explosive match, check out people with brown, black, and orange sexual energies.

What Color is Your Sexual Energy?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

You are a total superstar.

A dying breed who's love for sex and intimate play are extremely rare.

Your warm nature is a comfort to most - and a pleasure to all.

What Body Part Are You Most Like?

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