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Pleasured by the Viking

Posted on 2011.06.29 at 00:09
Doom: Zemmmenes
Mūza: Alcest
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Ireland, 1181. To secure peace for her clan and protection for her mother, chieftain's daughter Auder Ó Reilly agrees to marry a powerful Norman baron. Though she desperately hopes the alliance will work, Auder worries she won't be able to please her husband in the marriage bed—a fear she admits to her friend, handsome Viking Gunnar Dalrata. Auder has no difficulty imagining sensual delights with Gunnar, but she doesn't believe he would ever think of her that way. Until the night of Bealtaine, when Gunnar whisks Auder away to introduce her to the true pleasure of making love....

upd. Aaaaaa!

The Wild Hunt (1872)

Posted on 2010.12.24 at 15:28
Doom: Skonto būve
Mūza: Einherjer
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Kamēr nav par vēlu, patīšu atpakaļ, kāpēc iepriekšējais bija par tēmu...

Bet vispirms jāiepiļī šis - laikam viens no visu laiku lipīgākajiem vikingmetāla intrō,
tā vien gribas uz riņķi vien klausīties (to arī daru):

Einherjer - Einherjermarsjen

The Wild Hunt

The Wild Hunt is a story common around Yule time. It is the story of Odin leading a wild entourage through the winter night sky complete with howling dogs, riding his eight-legged Sleipnir and followed by a host of other Einherjar and hangers-on. Of the lore about Odin, it is perhaps the most interesting and survives in some surprising forms to this day.

In its basic form, any of the nights between Yule and twelfth-night are probable times for this wild procession. It is told that on those cold, snowy, winter nights, what starts as a small breeze turns into a sudden hurricane as the storm of the hunt passes by. Occasionally, it may take the souls of those who don’t give it due respect.


Children would often anticipate this event each Yule by placing their boots or stockings by the fireplace with offerings of carrots or hay for Sleipnir. In return, Odin would leave them candy presents.

So each cold Yule evening, when the wind picks up to a howl, remember that Jolnir, Odin himself, could be passing by at that moment. When you see the modern renditions of Santa arriving by sleigh, remember that at its core, we are seeing a non-Heathen representation of Odin bringing blessings on his Wild Hunt.


The comparison of Berserkers with wolves (they are referred to as "wolf-coats" in Hrafnsmal) makes them symbolically dead - wolves are synonymous in Old English with outlaws and criminals, who are considered socially 'dead' - so we are able to see how they could be associated with Odin’s wolves or dogs in the Wild Hunt.


Until the beginning of the 20th century, young men in Norway enacted the Wild Hunt at Winter Solstice. Costumed and masked, their task was to punish those who violated the rural traditions, usually by stealing beer and livestock. If the riders were given food and drink, however, they brought prosperity.

Palasīt vēl un vēl
(es saprotu, ka tu nelasīsi, to es sev)

p.s. Skonto Būve! :D

Valhalla Rising

Posted on 2010.05.20 at 10:32
Doom: Drone
Mūza: The Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation
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Vakar pirmoreiz redzēju filmu (subj.), kas faktiski pilnībā (greizi lietojot populārās mūzikas "terminoloģiju") ieturēta drone "žanrā". Ja vēl sākumā likās, ka - o, nu tik būs viens labais senatnes episkais grafiskais patoss, kura nedaudz pietrūkst kopš Spartaka pirmās sezonas beigām, tad pēc neilga brīža pasākums jau ir ievilcies un paliek tikai lēnāks, drūmi veļot primordiāli eksistenciālus viļņus pār cilvēcības piekrastes akmeņiem, vienu pēc otra, vienu pēc otra, tāds dārks, skaists un bezcerīgs trips ar atbilstošu skaņtraku, kind of like Pathfinder meets Dead Man meets Aguirre meets Antichrist... and takes mushrooms :)

In the beginning there was only man and nature...

Attēlā - Vienacis un inukšuks
