Posted on 2008.07.22 at 18:31Doom: Agitation
Mūza: Mulholland Dr. OST
Heheh, kaut kas vecs, atrasts, rakājoties pa in2strija.net arhīv (Dullajam Daukam tekstus meklējot), no sērijas "eh, ku labu zāli tolaik pīpēju (acīmredzot)" >>>
p.s. dear
De:men+or on Industrial Image.
I should say I fundamentally agree with every opinion expressed here, including mine, so here I go: I fundamentally agree with every opinion expressed here, and that includes mine too:
The Platonic Idea of what you call INDUSTRIAL image has existed since the beginnings of Mankind and has switched virtually 1000 guises along with the overall evolvement of humankind, culture and fashion at large. Here I will try to give you a brief account of my idea:
( ... tālāk ... )