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Posted by [info]nefolk on 2008.07.22 at 18:31

Heheh, kaut kas vecs, atrasts, rakājoties pa in2strija.net arhīv (Dullajam Daukam tekstus meklējot), no sērijas "eh, ku labu zāli tolaik pīpēju (acīmredzot)" >>>


p.s. dear [info]kants, your name is on the member list, so why don't you move your lazy mouse to the top right corner of the page and just click the Log In link. If it doesn't help or work (that is, if my suggestion still isn't suggestive enough ;) try this link: http://www.in2strija.net/forums/index.php?act=Login&CODE=00

De:men+or on Industrial Image.

I should say I fundamentally agree with every opinion expressed here, including mine, so here I go: I fundamentally agree with every opinion expressed here, and that includes mine too:

The Platonic Idea of what you call INDUSTRIAL image has existed since the beginnings of Mankind and has switched virtually 1000 guises along with the overall evolvement of humankind, culture and fashion at large. Here I will try to give you a brief account of my idea:


The very first industrialists populated mostly the warm regions of this planet and were, without exception, nudists. Some centuries later their technological progress allowed them to create sophisticated weaponry, usable for slaying the wild beasts, which were at that time Strong and Ominous (like the machines in the Matrix!) - a certain threat to the Industrial Culture! Now, this dead bestial skin and hair, as well as other inorganic body parts such as bones, skulls, horns, etc. were used to further enhance the technology, and with it - also the image of the primordial industrialist (e.g. first fur coats, talismans, totems, etc.). A stone-age industrialist looks like every other stone-age person (stoned? not really...) At that time Industrial image was virtually the only availabel one because, as old people say: no work = no food. Needless to add, the main Industries at that time were the Hunting and Gathering ones.


However this applies to the lower regions of the World only. A sort of an unwanted Industrial revolution in the Higher Realms was achieved when the Jewish archetype of Romeo & Juliet (you know whom I mean - the happy and careless fornicators once inhabiting the Fairytale God's little green zoo park ;) discovered the wonders of Sex, Drugs (purely Herbal at that time ;) and Philosophy, and did so not without an aid of a certain reptilean creature, heh. Along with it the idea of Sin was introduced! As God saw the destructive consequences, and certainly didn't want to do anything with this, at least in his Garden, he casted the couple out onto the lower regions and gave them the precious gift of Hunger, Disease, Trouble and Necessity of doing Hard Physical Labour. Being "Industrial" achieved not only an Existential but also a Metaethical meaning. To vent their futile anger and frustration the outcasts started spilling it out onto mother Earth ("the soil that gave life to us all" - Tom @ Dogville) and this is when mankind started tampering with Organic Nature as we know it at large. But I fear I am straying from the topic here... let's skip some millenniae ahed:


With regard to our subject, these times should not be missed for the introduction of the militaristic and totalitarian aspects to the "Industrial image". It was always present in some form, but now it acquired a Universal and Legal Form. The 3 main Industries of that time were:
1. Agriculture & Livestock Farming > peasant imagery applies;
2. Political & Rhetoric Industry > these white gay robes you see carved in stone sculptures of the ancient philosophers are a good example;
3. The Military > Spartan, focus on destruction and increased adrenalin dosage
Let's skip yet some more centuries..


The Goths conquered the Roman Empire in Century V and put an end to that white robe nonsense. For a short while barbaric and so-to-say punk-berserk-warrior image dominated the Warlike Industry, but it was soon usurped by the pharisaic structure we know as the Church = the most Destructive and Hypocritical Industry of All, which propagated Spiritual and Mental Masturbation, while doing no Corporeally Productive Work itself. As during the Dark Ages only the technological aspect of Industrial developed, we may yet again skip ahead...


The man had always gazed at the sky in wonder and awe, beholding the twinkling dots on the mantle of the firmament, reading them, measuring them & interpreting them, but it is especially during this age that the so-called "Futuristic" aspect of Industrial image emerged from the veil of all this medieval obscurity. Astronomy ruled out Astrology, sophisticated telescopes and gauges were constructed, and these again re-emphasized the importance of all that is Geometrical, Circular and Angular, the consequences of which we may still witness nowadays in


kur ir beigas, nav ne jausmas :]

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