Posted on 2010.08.02 at 00:39
Doom: Not really
Mūza: Lonesome Wyatt and the Holy Spooks
Tags: citāts, darbs, dzīve, kino, kopija, magic, maldi, patiesība, tāpat
Tomēr patīkami, ka, lai cik arī nomācoši vienaldzīga nebūtu tulkojamā draza (IMDb reitings 4.1), tur reizēm atrodas arī interesanti domu graudi.
Jerome: Do you believe in magic?
Lydia: What do you mean?
Jerome: Do you think people get things they don’t really deserve?
Lydia: Well, I’m not sure if it’s magic, but, I’ve often found that the thing that you thought was impossible is just the thing to happen. And the thing that you were absolutely sure was gonna come through, never happens at all.
Okay, Let's Talk About Magic
Posted on 2009.12.27 at 14:45
Doom: Post-reibumeiforija
Mūza: Fuck Buttons
Tags: download, electronics, magic, mp3, mūzika, noise, psihodēlija, stoner, tribal

Esmu sajūsmā, beidzot dzirdu kaut ko, kas tik labi atbilst fikcionālajam žanr-stilam-whatever
stoner electronics <333
Goat detained over armed robbery
Posted on 2009.01.25 at 23:32
Doom: Revenge
Mūza: The Tenth Stage
Tags: black, fauna, kazas, lol, magic, policija, spams, zvēri, āfrika
LAGOS (Reuters) – Police in Nigeria are holding a goat on suspicion of attempted armed robbery.
Vigilantes took the black and white beast to the police saying it was an armed robber who had used black magic to transform himself into a goat to escape arrest after trying to steal a Mazda 323.
Ziņa šeit
Black Magic Mushrooms
Posted on 2008.07.02 at 12:04
Doom: Lou
Mūza: Emperor
Tags: black, bībele, doom, holy, magic, mp3, mysticum, shroom, sēnes, vāks
Holy shroomz(Par bildi paldies Tomasaki!)
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