Klusie indie telefoni
Posted on 2011.11.05 at 08:30Comments:
Shoegazing is a style of alternative rock that emerged from the United Kingdom in the late 1980s. It lasted until the mid 1990s, peaking circa 1990 to 1993. The British music press (notably NME and Melody Maker) called this genre “shoegazing” because the musicians in these bands often maintained a motionless performing style, standing on stage and staring down at their effects pedals while playing their instruments (hence, the idea that they were gazing at their shoes).
(Pajāt) (Snuķis) (Ķirzaka)
bāc, Tu domā, ka es nezinu, kas ir šūgeizs? :( oskarbļaješ! :(
(Pajāt) (Snuķis) (Ķirzaka)
Tu zini, bet varbūt kāds cits (komentāru) lasītājs nezina. Definīciju pieseivoju arī priekš sevis
(Pajāt) (Snuķis) (Ķirzaka)
Paldies, es nezināju. Man patīk šādas kritiķu spēles.
(Pajāt) (Snuķis)