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Posted on 2010.11.11 at 11:11Doom: 11/11
Mūza: Kauan
Par godu lokālā Beovulfa svētkiem nedaudz pastaigājos internetā...
Most societies seem to have epic heroes and events that define them as they like to see themselves. Bearslayer is patriotic, brave, strong, tough, loyal, wise, fair, and virtuous, and he loves nature. He embodies the strengths and virtues of the Latvian folk in a legendary age of greatness, before they were subjugated and corrupted by "Strangers".
Šeit redzams Latvijas armijas smagā tipa bruņotais automobilis „LĀČPLĒSIS” un tā apkalpe 1919. gada rudenī jeb arhetipa militārindustriālā manifestācija.
Vēl sastapu nacionālromantisko, homoerotisko, dionīsisko, atlētisko, pēdējo, kaut kādu farsu un ar to arī pietika - atgriezos pie saknēm, pareizāk sakot, tā, kas pašam tuvākais, - tulkojuma (c) 2005, Arthur Cropley
Bet te sev iekopēju summāriju angliski. Lai gan draugu listēs šis ieraksts neparādās, bez lj-cut iztikt neatļaušos:
( There is no other work in Latvian literature whose story has penetrated mass consciousness as deeply or resounded as richly in literature and art as Bearslayer. )