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Pērnais Muzons

Posted on 2011.01.07 at 20:10


Mehāniskais vienradzis
[info]nefolk at 2011-01-08 01:52 (Tipa)
Beidz troļļot, parādi man tur vienu debīlu nacistu tekstu :D
[info]nistagms at 2011-01-08 11:37 (Tipa)
4. The Call Of Aryan Spirit
[Music: Knjaz Varggoth / Lyrics: Knjaz Varggoth]

The Voice Calling Me Into Darkness,
Open The Gates Through Which I'll Leave
The Call Of The Ancient Blood Calls Me To Fight
The Call Of Slavonic Blood
Aryan Lands With The Boundless Expanse
Through Milleniums Come To Me
The Forests And Steppers Everything I Own
Is Given To The damned jewish tribe
My Blood Is Calling Me, And I Won't Calm Down
Until I Taste The Smell Of their blood
The Moon Whispers About The Darkness
The Stars Are Leading Me Through The Clouds
Silver People With White Skin
Are Gathering To Perform A Rite
The Wisemen Are Cursing On The jewish scum
Spit In jewish faces, Cut them Into Pieces
Let them Choke With their Lie
Let The Woods Grow Up On their corpses
We Are The Only Ones To Have The
Right For This Land!
It's Ours, Indeed!
These Rivers Have Been Flowing
Together With Our Blood For Ages
This Grass Has Grown On The Bodies
Of Our killed Warriors
Hey, Stay With Us, Our Aryan Spirit!
Let Our Slavonic Blood Boil Up With Our Hatred
Hey, Our Land, Stay With Us!
Let Every Step On Our Land Turn For
The Damnation On jews!
White Power, You Have To Destroy Of useless tribes
Under Your Glorious Obsession!
Because they Are not people,
they Are worms whose mission is Only parasitism
Let The Aryan Spirit Support Us!
The War Is Sacred! TOTAL WAR!
Mehāniskais vienradzis
[info]nefolk at 2011-01-08 11:46 (Tipa)
Hehe, smieklīgi sākumburti.
Bet tas taču ir no pavisam cita (10 gadus veca) elbūma
[info]nistagms at 2011-01-08 11:48 (Tipa)
kāda atšķirība, no kura albuma tas ir? bezsmadzeņu lunahoti ir un paliek bezsmadzeņu lunahoti, tikai žēl, ka viņi savu bezsmadzenību cer atrisināt 'sakapājot gabalos žīdus'.

vispār vari lasīt pats, tur daudz kas ir tajā fucking kirlicā, viņu ūber-āriskajā neitiv valodā.
Mehāniskais vienradzis
[info]nefolk at 2011-01-08 12:23 (Tipa)
Es negrasos ar tevi strīdēties, jo saprotu, ka visi cilvēki kādreiz ir bijuši nēģeri, bet arī tavs apgalvojums, ka "lunahoti ir un paliek" tādi vienmēr, ir diezgan apšaubāms
Mehāniskais vienradzis
[info]nefolk at 2011-01-08 11:47 (Tipa)
Vai arī tu esi kā atriebīgais jūdu dievs, kas nolād nākamās paaudzes par viņu senču grēkiem?
[info]nistagms at 2011-01-08 11:50 (Tipa)
es neesmu iedziļinājies Nokturnal Mortuma biogrāfijā, bet tu runā tā, it kā viņiem sastāvs būtu nomainījies par 100% un viņi nebūtu atbildīgi par to, ko paši sarakstījuši :D
Mehāniskais vienradzis
[info]nefolk at 2011-01-08 12:28 (Tipa)
Es vispār runāju par konkrēto albumu, kurš ir metālisks šedevrs ar droši vien skaistiem, nacionālromantiskiem tekstiem ukraiņu valodā, kuru tu nemaz nesaproti. Nē, nu ko te daudz irst, ja tu nespēj abstrahēties no ideoloģiskiem aizspriedumiem, lūdzu, neklausies :*
[info]mindbound at 2011-01-08 12:42 (Tipa)
Njā, visu cieņu, neviena vārda par ļaunžīdiem visa liriskā materiāla garumā. Puisīši sākuši pieaugt, vai? No sērijas, Vikerness taču arī vairs nav tik liesmojošs trú nordisk nacpagāns, pat uz papīra, kā pirms viesošanās valsts apartamentos.
[info]nistagms at 2011-01-08 20:01 (Tipa)
protams, ka es nesaprotu. tu vai tad saproti ukrainiski? enivei, tās grupas āriskums tomēr paliek apšaubāms.
[info]nistagms at 2011-01-08 11:45 (Tipa)
12. The Taste Of Victory
Fields are covered with white snows woods are dreaming dreams of soil
Time in slumber 'til Spring falls in white and red the earth lies frozen
Forced whites in time of white clotted with the scarlet blood
Echoed with the pain so dark with grey sorrow was entwined
Yee an Aryan soldier we know your feats of arms
Sleep safe in palace of cold forest snows no matter who where right and wrong
Let the gods see the truth and judge them all, all those who died in nineteen forty five
All those who won and who have lost the war
For sacrifices made to the wrong gods for power given up to our worst foes
Hail soldier hold your banner high time has come to sacrifice your life
Though it's your brother stands on other side still it's time to fullfill the orders to kill
The beast thirsts for Aryan blood squeezing down his greedy claws
With a stolen power he forces brothers to whet against each other
By slyness the blood has been spilled pride has been forgotten and defamed
But the memory still lives in our hearts with an echo of vengeance shall the insults reply
What incited Germans to go against slavs who made Russia to rot Ukraine
Who sucked power from the world like a vampire who feels himself a master today
We remember your feat a soldier of white race no matter either you were German or Slav
Ghosts of war stand before our eyes so we shall not repeat the old mistakes again
We do remember our forefather's oaths we do believe in power of 14 words
Towers have fallen but the persons do stand firm and the Mason's pyramides do stare into our souls
The taste of victory is bitterness and sarcasm
It's price was Shekel and their scourge upon our trampled backs
Oh world beware new master this desert breed won't die on their own
If they weren't burnt those 60 years ago they should be burnt today
Fields are covered with white snows woods are dreaming dreams of soil
Time in slumber 'til spring falls
In white and red the earth lies frozen suffused with blood of red
Our memory dreams in sleeping lands
What should lead your future ways and what do I await today
[info]nistagms at 2011-01-08 11:46 (Tipa)
6. Hailed Be The Heroes
Once in Ukraine the cannons were roaring
True heroes knew how to rule
With swords they conquered will and glory
The glory washed in the rivers of the blood

Hailed be the heroes

Once in Khortitza they were building Sich
Defended our land, died for it
Upon the Aryan honor and enemies' bones
We shall lead the true way to the glorious ?iriy? Valhalla
Hailed be the heroes
Pure heart filled with Aryan blood
Let it beat and let heroic archetypes arise
The spirit yearning to battle
Forever be with you
In your blood
It's in your family
It's in your fatherland
It's still alive
And shall burn again in the native Ukraine
The sword up, the way to the sun
It's death or victory
These are two ways that lie before our choice
White race would be the highest goal
Hailed be the heroes
Pure heart filled with Aryan blood
Let it beat and let heroic archetypes arise
The spirit yearning to battle
Forever be with you
In your (purest) blood
It's in your family
It's in your fatherland
It's still alive
And shall burn again in the native Ukraine
The warriors of Galychina
Is an ?avaging? blade in strong Slavonic hands
You were stoped one step before the victory
Now it's our turn to realize your dreams
Betrayal stood upon your way
Red butchers destroyed our land
And now Jewisk pest dominates
Brother hold your weapons firm
Pure heart filled with Aryan blood
Let it beat and let heroic archetypes arise
The spirit yearning to battle
Forever be with you
In your (purest) blood
It's in your family
It's in your fatherland
It's still alive
And shall burn again in the native Ukraine
[info]nefolk at 2011-01-08 12:18 (Tipa)
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