An ([info]nata13) rakstīja,
@ 2013-08-09 02:24:00

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Garastāvoklis: bored
Mūzika:30 seconds to mar - Alibi

Starting something, giving up, starting again, giving up again...loop. I guess I'm simply not motivated enough. Being home doesn't help. Waiting doesn't help either. And gosh, thoughts of wasting my time and turning 24 soon doesn't help a tiny bit. No, this is not heat stroke talking. Time is such a precious thing. There's never enough time and jet I'm wasting it so recklessly. Some say it is good to take a break, rest a while, but I can't help to notice time to go by and there's nothing exciting happening, nothing takes my breath away these couple of months. 

Waiting some more. Next week first set of training. 

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