An ([info]nata13) rakstīja,
@ 2010-08-17 13:11:00

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Garastāvoklis: calm
Mūzika:30 seconds to mars - kings and queens

you can just blablabla, but you don't know a shit!
It is easy to leave home for people who are young, who have no kids and everything comes easy to them. But if you have family, kids to take care of and other stuff like that it is hard (not just for person who leaves). I don't like the idea, because I would be happy if everyone could just stay home. Even mom is talking about leaving all the time and I don't feel safe anymore. I didn't even like it when she was away from home one month. And if you can say - half of the year is nothing - you have no feelings or you don't know what you are talking about! It pisses me off, because I know how it is. Even two months can change you and one day coming home you won't even recogize the person. It is different than going to some kind of trip. It gets lonely and painful.
Yeah, of course, everyone is different and maybe it's just me and I can only speak for myself and this is how I feel. Maybe I care too much, but this is one thing I won't let go no matter what. Mom was the same when she had to be there - in foreign.

And yes, I also have been skipping around like a magical pixie horse, all excited before, but then you have to face ground later.

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