An ([info]nata13) rakstīja,
@ 2010-06-27 23:33:00

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Garastāvoklis: calm
Mūzika:Green day - 21 guns
Entry tags:believer, capture moments, growing things, ideas, lots of things, ok, open, wide, wild


Wild, wild soul. There is huge need to feel small, huge need to be in wide open and I know only one place where to go to feel like it.

Visas maliņas sāp. Gaidu to brīdi, kad nekas vairs nesāpēs, bet pagaidām mana kāpšana pa trepēm izskatās trakāk kā vecai omītei. Padzīvojos pa dārzu un beidzot pavisam mierīgi, nečakarējot sevi ar stulbām domām varēju pastrādāt. Pat nedaudz žēl, ka saule tik aši nozuda aiz horizonta un nācās darbu mest pie malas. I love those green growing things :)

Some nice ideas poped up, have to write them down somewhere.

Can't wait to get a new camera, to make some nice pictures, capture moments.

You didn't wait...I am ok with it.

I am believer.

Confusion is ower.



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