An ([info]nata13) rakstīja,
@ 2010-02-18 23:22:00

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Garastāvoklis: tired


It is kinda devastating to feel out off energy all the time. It is like I just want to do so much, but even if I make it till evening, I feel constantly tired and all I can think off is lack of energy. Luckily it is olny till March this crazy. At least  I hope so. Maybe after I will be done with Norwegian something will change.

Now waiting figure skating. I know, I know..I could use this time to get some sleep and energy, but no! I did miss a lot of figure skating this year already, I don't want to miss this.                      Poor Bri, I still can't believe he is just 18th, I feel even more sorry and bad for him, because stupid French people back at his home is laughing at him. He just had bad luck with Olympics again, poor kid.

I won't run after people, I won't let them to influence me anymore. I guess, when I am tired it is easier to manipulate with me.

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