An ([info]nata13) rakstīja,
@ 2009-05-03 01:28:00

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Nesen es redzēju sapni. Es negaidīju viņu tur atkal ieraudzīt, es pat nebiju piedomājusi par to cilvēku jau labu laiku. Out of sight out of mind. But then...he showed up again. Maybe it's good, I don't know. I remember only few details of the dream. And feeling was nice and yet unreal.
Dīvaina sajūta mani pārņēma arī skatoties filmu 7 pounds. Weird.
And yeah, then I heard Blue October song - Hate me.
All was weird today - game, hockey, music, 7 pounds, Twilight - Breaking down,memories of dream...everything.

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