mur ([info]mur) rakstīja,
@ 2009-03-26 22:21:00

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For instance, the program translates “empowering education” using the words “upovnovazhena osvita,” a new phrase. According to the EEP [Empowering Education Program], the project managers chose the word “upovnovazhena” (a word that is normally translated into English as “authorized”) because this term is used to refer to government-“authorized” representatives such as ambassadors who are important and powerful people with special “powers” (vazheli, a word most commonly used to refer to “levers”). Similarly, the EEP claims, “empowering education” is a new type of education that gives people “special powers.”

+Jo dāmas vairāk pelna, jo mazāk dzimst bērnu.
++Jo dāmas ir izglītotākas un sociāli aktīvākas, jo mazāk dzimst bērnu... Pie tradicionālām ģimenes politikām (kā Latvijā).
+++Postsociālisma valstīs dāmas labprātāk paliek darba tirgū, bet pamet reproduktīvo tirdziņu.

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