i had my first DDR experience this evening up at the Great Canadian Midway. that would be "Dance Dance Revolution," the latest freakish trend from Japan that's made its way into our culture. basically you stand on this pad with arrows on it, and then theres a screen with random japanese looking cartoons on it (you know the ones i'm talking about) and they're all dancing, and this rave-like techno remix song is playing and you have to jump on the arrows under your feet to match the arrows on the screen all to the beat of the music. it's like parappa the rapper on LSD with more excercise.well anyway the game kicked my ass. braun's pretty much a master so doing it next to him didn't make me look any better. i flailed around like a moron trying to keep up while the screen is shouting things at me like MISS! and POOR! and BOOO! and my final grade would be D or F, even on the easy ones, proving myself a worthless dance dance revolutionary.moral to the story: pete is not meant to dance even in video game form, and should stick to kick-ass pastimes like TIME CRISIS 2 (or the even more kick ass CRISIS ZONE)
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