fuck da police
wow. people actually read this thing. i guess i need to watch what i say. so what have i done in a week? nothing, really. got pulled over for having a headlight out. i guess thats the new excuse for pulling over teenagers who "might" be drunk. so yeah, i cant just fix my light. no. i have to show it to a police officer. the guy who pulled me over said i can go see any cop to get it inspected. so i went to see my local cop. he told me i had to go to the same town i got pulled over in. so i called that town. they said i could go see any cop. so i went back to my local police department. the guy said he could inspect me, but i needed to show him the ticket that was given to me. apparently i need to prove that my headlight was broken before i can prove that it's fixed. i might be trying to swindle a free headlight inspection or something. so i tear apart my house looking for the ticket. found it. take it back. cop inspects all of my lights. calls me a liar, telling me my ticket was for a volkswagen. my ticket is for my toyota. he lets me go anyway. but i'm still not done. tomorrow i go back to the place where i originally got my ticket, prove that i got pulled over, and then prove that it has since been fixed. all because i was driving around at 4:30 in the morning and some bored cop assumed i was drunk.so yeah. fuck da police.havent seen any new movies. havent done much of anything. got a new pager. (716) 619-6962. page me. wow, lots of people iming me. must be cause its sunday. i dunno. i'll leave you alone now. heh.buh-bye.
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