misty_moonlight ([info]misty_moonlight) rakstīja,
@ 2004-03-09 21:25:00

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Garastāvoklis: hopeful
Mūzika:Bush - The Chemicals Between Us

I've always wanted to write this! ;)
Survey -
Have you ever:
1. Kissed your cousin: not that way
2. Ran away: nope
3. Pictured your crush naked: yap
5. Broken someone's heart: yes :\
6. Been in love: actually no
7. Cried when someone died: yap
8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: yap…
9. Broken a bone: a little ;p
11. Lied: yes, who hasn’t
12. Cried in school: yup, but that’s a wrong thing to do…

13. Coke or Pepsi: better none
14. Sprite or 7UP: same
15. Girls or Guys: women… ;D
16. Flowers or candy: flowers die and candy makes you fat... so, it’s a lose-lose situation
17. Scruff or Clean shaved: clean
18. Quiet or Loud: medium ;p
19. Blondes or Brunettes: Blondes, of course!
20. Bitchy or Slutty: bitchy ;P
21. Tall or Short: does that make a difference?! ;p
22. Pants or Shorts: pants, but shorts are ok, too…

23. What do you notice first: body ;D
24. Last person you slow danced with: can’t remember ;|
25. Worst Question To Ask: do you love me?

26. Showered: this morning
27. Had Sex: I’ll better keep quiet ;D

WHAT IS (your favorite):
29. Your Good Luck Charm: don’t have one!
30. Person You Hate Most: most of my friends know IT...
31. Best Thing That Has Happened: being happy (doesn’t happen too often)
32. Color: dark red!
33. Movie: The Piano
34. Subject in school: drawing
35. Juice: blood orange
36. Cars: Honda Civic ;)))
37. Ice Cream: cappuccino
39. Season: winter/summer
40. Breakfast Food: fruit salad
41. Song: Limp Bizkit – Behind Blue Eyes (but that’s only for now)
42. Favorite food: misty’s special ;)

43. Makes you laugh the Most: Gunja ;P (at least lately)
44. Makes you smile: too many ;) (see I’m smiling)
45. Can make you feel better no matter what: Ingus
46. Has A Crush On You: Let me guess…….
47. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: maybe I will soon ;)
48. Who Has it easier? Whaat?
49. Gives you A Funny Feeling When You See Them: different people on the street

50. Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: maybe not all night…
51. Save AOL conversations: No, but log files from mIRC ;P
52. Save Emails: mhm. I erase them rarely
53. Wish you were someone else: No way!
54. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: nope, I’m satisfied with what I am ;)

55. Hairstyle: mine!
56. Cologne: brrr (reminds me of the old ones from good old USSR) ;D
57. Perfume: Hugo Women
58. Kiss: From the heart

60. Kissed the same sex? Yap
61. Fallen for your best friend? Hmm, maybe… ;p
62. Made out with JUST a friend? Yap…
63. Been rejected: I might say so, but not heart-broken
64. Been in love? I don’t think so…
65. Been in lust? Yup ;)
66. Used someone? Don’t want to admit it, but probably
67. Been used: yes...
68. Cheated on someone? Mmmhmmmm ;)
69. Been cheated on? Probably… (Who doesn’t do that?)
70. Been kissed? No, never ;DDD
71. Done something you regret? yup

72. You touched? Khmm Ingus ;)
73. You talked to? Mom
74. You hugged? Ingus
75. You instant messaged? Arnis
76. You kissed? Ingus ;D
77. You had sex with? I’ll better keep quiet again ;D
78. You yelled at? Don’t remember
80. Who broke your heart? That was a long time ago…
81. Who told you they loved you? Khmmm… Not your business!

82. Color your hair? Yeah, blonde ;)
83. Have tattoos? nope
84. Have piercings? Only earings
85. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both? Not today ;P
86. Own a web cam? nope
87. Own a thong? Many ;)
88. Ever get off the damn computer? It happens ;)
89. Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Ein bischen
90. Habla espanol? No, sinjor! ;D
91. Quack? Whaat?!

Have you/do you/are you...
92. Stolen anything? Usually I don’t do that, but yess
93. Smoke? Yup ;|
94. Schizophrenic? I’d like to believe that no
95. Obsessive? Sometimes ;p
96. Compulsive? sometimes
97. Obsessive compulsive? No ;D
98. Panic? Has happened…
99. Anxiety? yup
100. Depressed? Usually not…

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