gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
Viņi necenšas aizbēgt ne no kāda fundamentālisma, jo nav tāda lieta kā ''mērens islams''. Ko viņi dara, ir mēģina noraut haļavu, izliekoties par bēgļiem. Ja tā nebūtu, tad nebū vajadzības par katru cenu rauties uz Vāciju u.c. vakareiropas valstīm, kas tīrās sagadīšanās pēc dod beznosacījuma materiālo nodrošinājumu, kas ir lielāks, nekā proletariāta algas austrumeiropā.
Tas, ka starp šiem indivīdiem bieži rekrutējas potenciālie teroristi ir sekundārs, bet ne mazāk svarīgs faktors.
Case in point:

''The army has made contingency plans for the “reappropriation of national territory”, meaning to win back control of neighbourhoods where the population become hostile to the security forces and where guns are easily obtainable, according to the source.

“There are a lot of alienated and angry fourth-generation immigrant kids in the suburbs and the prospect of radicalisation is increasingly likely,” the source said.

“The idea that attacks like the one on the train are carried out by individuals acting on their own is not credible. We’re dealing with highly-organised networks of militant Islamists embarked on a campaign of violence and determined to intensify it.''

Vismaz kādam sāk dalekt tas sviests.

Otra obvious lieta.

''Mr Sutherland, who is non-executive chairman of Goldman Sachs International and a former chairman of oil giant BP, heads the Global Forum on Migration and Development , which brings together representatives of 160 nations to share policy ideas.
Mr Sutherland, who has attended meetings of The Bilderberg Group , a top level international networking organisation often criticised for its alleged secrecy, called on EU states to stop targeting "highly skilled" migrants, arguing that "at the most basic level individuals should have a freedom of choice" about whether to come and study or work in another country.''

Megakorporāciju elitēm vajadzīgi nabadzīgi un beztiesīgi iedzīvotāji un ar masu imigrāciju tādi būs kā paši melnīši, tā pakāpeniski arī vietējais proletariāts. Fanīgi, ka Jewropas kreisajiem politikāņiem, kuriem it kā būtu jāsargā darbaļaužu labklājība, tas pilnīgi lido pāri galvām.

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( )Anonīms- ehh.. šitajam cibiņam netīk anonīmie, nesanāks.
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