11 February 2023 @ 03:10 pm
Like what the actual fucking Jesus Christ on a stick.. Kaapeec drag queen children story reading thing is even a thing!? Go read stories to teenagers if you must, but why children?

Is wearing women's clothes not sexual pleasure enough for you? You need the added kick of children watching you wear women's clothes, while pretending to read them a story, so you would have an excuse to make them watch you?

Fuck oooff nasty bech with your insatiable pervert penis.
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[info]methodrone on February 22nd, 2023 - 02:03 pm
Jo, manupraat, drag is very different from trans or anything like that. Drag is over-sexulized and vulgar, manupraat. Taapat kaut kaadas striptiizdejotaajas, kas ir izmetushaas ar paarliekiem dekoltee un biezu meikapa kaartu. I would just not ever want that close to my babies ever. For the same reason that I would not comprehend why would you take babies to a strip club or a drag show unless you have dodgy mind and morals.

Ja drag viirieshi tik ljoti grib komuniceet ar beerniem, tad vismaz apgjeerbieties pienaaciigi, atstaajiet meikapu maajaas un ejat ar vienkaarhsu paruuku un low-key smart casual kleitu, taapat kaa beernudaarzu skolotaajas. Do you get my point? Make up and sexy dresses is solely to attract sexual attention, at least, manupraat. Es taa parasti eju uz naktsklubiem lai pieveerstu dzheku uzmaniibu, end of. And any workplace would tell you off if you showed up like drag viirieshi ierodas beernudaarzos.

Plus pat trans es nelaistu beerniem klaat, kas pashi veel nav speejiigi neko izdomaat (even if they end up being such), as they are 100% suggestible and 100% openness. I think it is a bit vile..
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putns[info]dumshputns on February 22nd, 2023 - 03:09 pm
Ok, man pat diezgan patīk doma par to, ka arī drag ir jāpieņem sabiedrības normas, un jādrago attiecīgi, ierodoties bērnudārzā kā omītei vai skolotājas jaunkundzei, vai Mērijai Popinsai. Tas būtu robežas respektējošs pieprasījums. Mums gan neviens nenāca ar savu lobiju šajā jomā.
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[info]methodrone on February 28th, 2023 - 09:48 am
That's my concern. If they did that there would be no point, as being drag is defined by being syper sexual in a provocative way.
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