11 February 2023 @ 03:10 pm
Like what the actual fucking Jesus Christ on a stick.. Kaapeec drag queen children story reading thing is even a thing!? Go read stories to teenagers if you must, but why children?

Is wearing women's clothes not sexual pleasure enough for you? You need the added kick of children watching you wear women's clothes, while pretending to read them a story, so you would have an excuse to make them watch you?

Fuck oooff nasty bech with your insatiable pervert penis.
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[info]methodrone on February 13th, 2023 - 01:44 pm
Ja tu neuzskati, ka exposing babies to sex is morally wrong, tad vari pat necensties man kaut ko skaidrot lols. I think your views then are equally despicable and perverse, we are in direct opposition un mums nav pa celjam.

Kristietiiba negad nav bijusi visatljautiiba, bet gan balstiita uz konkreetiem baushljiem un moraalaam direktiivaam, kjeceri.
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Dzintra čoms[info]mranarhs on February 15th, 2023 - 10:37 am
Ā nu jā, zviedru bibliotēkās notiek sekss, tas ir neapstrīdams fakts. Vēl mēs te precamies ar zirgiem un vienlaicīgi esam islāmisti.
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[info]methodrone on February 16th, 2023 - 11:49 am
I'm sure it will be liberally acceptable soon enough. :)
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Dzintra čoms[info]mranarhs on February 17th, 2023 - 11:06 am
Pierakstu blociņā. Čekosim soon enough, ir vai nav - pēc gada būtu normāls nogrieznis?
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