20 April 2021 @ 09:53 am
A short history of everything.  
Massive archetype war raksts.

Tags: Montero, sātans, Wanda Vision, korona, paradigmas, pazeme, kristietība, raganas, AI, zeitgeists, āksts. 

"In a traditional world, the monsters, the demons, the gargoyles and especially the Satan or opponent, are on the outside or underground. They are below us. It is best to not even pronounce their names. But now, in the context of Liberty and Equality driving social forms, the figure of Satan begins to appear as a dark prophet of the modern world, a noble Promethean who tragically stood against authority and declared himself equal to that which was above him. 
In the Montero video, Mr. X gets it right. Satanic imagery has never ultimately been about worshiping the devil, but rather about embodying the revolutionary pattern through the type of Pride exemplified by Satan in his war against heaven, and which ends with self-worship and self-crowning. Obviously it cannot really end that way, for Montero’s only claim to the crown of horns is violence and revolution, which means that there is another pole-riding lap dancer in line to kill Montero and take the crown from him. (But that is for another story.) 
On a social level, this appears as an upside down hierarchy, where the strange, the impure, the exceptional, the fluid, the rejected, the sick, and the unknown become a new measure by which society is evaluated. It is only in this sense that the “back tracking” fears of my 80s youth pastor, just like upside-down crosses and upside-down pentagrams, can make sense as a basic narrative intuition, the intuition that the Satanic, like a massive carnival on the edge and end of the Christian world, is acting like an evil Christian jester who wants to be king, turning, mocking, and then embodying the upside-down of Christianity both morally and ritually while putting the crown on his own head. 
“The current process of spiritual demagoguery and rhetorical overkill has transformed the concern for victims into a totalitarian command and a permanent inquisition. … We are living through a caricatural ‘ultra-Christianity’ that tries to escape from the Judeo-Christian orbit by “radicalizing” the concern for victims in an anti-Christian manner.” 
An upside-down world, a solipsistic, sterile and artificial world must inevitably flip-back. The glorification, even in spiteful jest, of Satanic tropes of rebellion, reminds us that it is only the Crucified One and the story of self-sacrifice which break those unending revolutions."
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gnidrologs[info]gnidrologs on April 20th, 2021 - 09:42 pm
Jā, es arī tā esmu sapratis no daudz kā pēdējā laikā lasītā un dzirdētā. Sātanisms ir "promortejisks" tādā ziņā, ka simbolizē mēģinājumu pielīdzināt cilvēku dievam/dieviem, nesaprot, ka tas tā nestrādā. Visa mūsdienu equality un nu jau equity figņa. Neglīto pasludinot par skaisto, jo beholdera acs. Vīrietis var būt sieviete, jo feelings. Kvalitatīva hierarhija ne iekš kā neeksistē objektīvi, jo viss ir relatīvs. Visu veco tradīciju, kas šo kvalitatīvo vertikāli saprata un tai pakļāvās - totāla anihilācija. Visu vērtību in versija. Dabisko kastu apgriešana kājām gaisā, kur šūdras un vaišjas nosaka kārtību, kamēr kšatriji novēršas un kļūst par bezmērķīgiem roniniem vai algotņiem, bet brahmaņi "withdraw from society", jo pēc viņu zināšanām un kalpošanas nav vajadzības. Viņi kļūst par mežmalu savādniekiem, hermitiem. Kārtību nosaka intelektuālas padibenes un naudas mijēji. Lai radītu jaunu pasauli un jaunu cilvēku, kas sekos... kam.
Vēl vērts palasīt par jēdzienu 'kontrainiciācija'.
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[info]methodrone on April 22nd, 2021 - 09:07 am
Jā, ļaunums nekad nebūs equal to labums, which is exactly what they try to claim.

Vēl arī mani aizķēra rindiņas.. Girard, Dreher reminds us how: “The current process of spiritual demagoguery and rhetorical overkill has transformed the concern for victims into a totalitarian command and a permanent inquisition. … We are living through a caricatural ‘ultra-Christianity’ that tries to escape from the Judeo-Christian orbit by “radicalizing” the concern for victims in an anti-Christian manner.”

Jo es pati bieži (jo varbūt sievietēm tas ir vairāk in their nurture altruistic nature) domāju, ka nu kā.. ja tu paraksties zem kristietības vērtībām, tad jau visādiem nabagiem un twisty underdogs and even scums vajag uzbāzties ar iejūtību, kā kaut kāda Sarandona Dead Man Walking filmā.

Plus... ja runā par ļaunumu pasaulē. Saka ka Dievam ir 2 pieejas - will or permit. That he only wills good, but permits evil (and then uses it for creating good) just for the sake of allowing people freedom.

So es tiešām nezinu, kā atbildēt uz pasaules notikumiem.. permit them, jo the benevolent intelligence of universe permits it, un kā kaut kādam jezuītu mūkam koncentrācijas nometnē turpināt prīčot ka, lai cik zemu esība kristu, it will be fine and dandy in the utopian end?
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