Jā, ļaunums nekad nebūs equal to labums, which is exactly what they try to claim.
Vēl arī mani aizķēra rindiņas.. Girard, Dreher reminds us how: “The current process of spiritual demagoguery and rhetorical overkill has transformed the concern for victims into a totalitarian command and a permanent inquisition. … We are living through a caricatural ‘ultra-Christianity’ that tries to escape from the Judeo-Christian orbit by “radicalizing” the concern for victims in an anti-Christian manner.”
Jo es pati bieži (jo varbūt sievietēm tas ir vairāk in their nurture altruistic nature) domāju, ka nu kā.. ja tu paraksties zem kristietības vērtībām, tad jau visādiem nabagiem un twisty underdogs and even scums vajag uzbāzties ar iejūtību, kā kaut kāda Sarandona Dead Man Walking filmā.
Plus... ja runā par ļaunumu pasaulē. Saka ka Dievam ir 2 pieejas - will or permit. That he only wills good, but permits evil (and then uses it for creating good) just for the sake of allowing people freedom.
So es tiešām nezinu, kā atbildēt uz pasaules notikumiem.. permit them, jo the benevolent intelligence of universe permits it, un kā kaut kādam jezuītu mūkam koncentrācijas nometnē turpināt prīčot ka, lai cik zemu esība kristu, it will be fine and dandy in the utopian end?
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