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@ 2008-06-13 13:44:00

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Drawing on advertising, the media and pornography - flamboyant Jeff Koons
Jeff Koons šogad ieguva The Royal Academy of Arts Charles Wollaston Award for the most distinguished work in the Summer Exhibition 2008 ar savu Cracked Egg (Blue), ko privāta kolekcija ieguva savā īpašumā par 3,5 miljoniem USD 2006.gada oktobrī.

Tā vienlaikus atstaro un ietver apkārtni savā spoguļlaminētajā virsmā, ne tā kā šajā attēlā, bet iedomājieties sulīgi spiltas gleznas pie sienām un daudz plašāku telpu

Gagosian Gallery, 2006; foto: Eamonn McCabe

Koons [..] seemed to equate artworks with commodities directly. Some critics interpreted his work as a critique of consumer-capitalism: he had returned the Duchamp-inspired readymade to its status as a product. For others, such as Benjamin Buchloh, Koons was "only pretending to engage in a critical annihilation of mass-cultural fetishisation". In reality, he was acting out what Walter Benjamin had predicted for capitalist society: the cultural need to compensate for the lost aura of art and artist with "the phoney spell" of the commodity and the star.

By 1992, after marrying the Hungarian-born Italian ex-porn star Ilona Staller (known as La Cicciolina), he had achieved the kind of crossover celebrity only previously experienced by the artist with whom he has most in common, Warhol.

Koons said that the works in "Made in Heaven" were inspired by Masaccio's The Expulsion — "the guilt and shame on Adam and Eve's faces in the painting. I wanted to make work that showed what it was like to be tranquil and not feel shame about the body. Whatever anybody's history is, it's perfect. It can't be any different. I would tie this to nature."

Nekautrīgs, stilizēts kailums vienmēr ir izaicinošs: [..]after the rejection of Koons' pornographic works, he did what every TV evangelist has done when caught with his pants down: He was born again, filled with a new-found affection for God's creatures and, especially, the child within. This kiddie-show Koons is announced in the exhibition by a group of big, bright and shiny works grouped under the heading "Celebration." no

Cracked Egg is the only work in the "Celebration" series in which fracture or assault of the shiny, happy surface has taken place. no

Daži kolāžisti, mākslas kritiķi (piem, Scott Rothkopf) uzskata, ka Koons savās gleznās tikai atdarina James Rosenquist, kaut ļoti veiksmīgi, tādējādi sasniedzot citu Pop-Art dziļumu ar savu pieķeršanos fotogrāfiskai "objektivitātei". Citiem Koons(a) darbi šķiet nekvalitatīvs simbolu plaģiātisms un sašutumu pelnījusi pašsalīdzināšanās ar atzītiem māksliniekiem.

2007.gada novembrī viņa skulptūra "Hanging Heart", tika nopirkta par 23,6 miljoniem USD; tobrīd ierindojot viņu visdārgāko dzīvo autoru 1.vietā.
foto no šejienes

Google izmantoja Koons(a) skulptūras "Tulips" fotogrāfiju logo dizainam iGoogle popularizēšanas kampaņā. Turklāt, tas ir vienīgais Koons(a) darinājums, ko atļauts publiski fotografēt

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