mazs ([info]mazs) rakstīja,
@ 2013-01-07 23:38:00

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Mūzika:The Script - Hall Of Fame and PK - When You Sleep

Ans. : Grey
I said - I won`t let my thoughts overwhelm me. But here we go. A comment, and I`m freaking out again.

I will not write everything here. Still afraid of letting the world know too much.

But after some time and calming down the answer came - grey. It`s for myself, not anybody else.

Because I still can't let the thoughts go. `Cause they do not wonder jet, they try to impersonate an express train. And that will shatter me in to billion pieces. And I don`t know what will be left after that.

Let the things be. Cause it feels good.

Side note : lately I feel the pain.

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