Garastāvoklis: | sentimentāls, I guess |
Mūzika: | Justinrobinett and Co |
What now? (when the excitement has ended) - turpināt dzīvoties un meklēt nākošo source of excitement.
Jebšu check viens no pieciem. Nedomāju gan, ka būs vairāk. Vienīgais, jātiek galā ar šo pašu. Tā, lai man pēc tam nav grūti. Jā - egoists. Kas cits par mani vēl piedomās..
Un tad jāizdomā, ko īsti gribas.
Un par ko tu domā vēlos vakaros?
Sometimes I would like to talk to you, Draugs. But then again, at the "before" times that was all I did - I talked and didn't give you nothing back. And now I am not able to talk to you anymore. And I miss that.(Selfish again.. and a bit sad) Siting with you next to me, and you just smiled and listened to me telling you my stories. And that was all I needed to get some confidence back, to feel better. Happier. I wish I would have done something in return for you.
Thank you. (less than three) (jebšu <3 )
Off to bed! It's late and bit too sad.
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