liverpūlē snieks pagalmā pie miskastēm kāds izlicis, šķiet, latvijas 80-o gadu džournālistikas antoloģiju nevienz razbainieks mums neatņems uzvaru!!1111 kopumā tas viss atgādina kaut kādu sireālu lugu
Assange left the lunch with Miss W. She told the police she and Assange had visited the place where she worked and had then gone to a cinema where they had moved to the back row. He had kissed her and put his hands inside her clothing, she said. That evening, Miss A held a party at her flat.xx socializācija turpinās ja es pareizi saprotu, tad lielā lisabonas zemestrīce 1755.gadā faktiski bija svarīgākais XIX gadsimta notikums eiropā |