Hats (and beards) off to Joaquin Phoenix.
We can now safely call I'm Still Here a mockumentary, now that director Casey Affleck
has admitted that Phoenix, an Oscar-nominated actor, was just playing
yet another role when he pretended to shuck his career in favor of
becoming a rapper and, while doing so, steadily self-destruct.
"It's a terrific performance, it's the performance of his career,"
Affleck told the New York Times in a recent interview.
hoakins is back :))
izdomāju, ka filma "some like it hot" (nu vai arī "džezā tikai meitenes", kā pie mums) ir patiesībā bijis brīnišķīgs coming of age rādītājs vo, basketbolistes attīsta acij tīkamu feminismu: pasaules čempī Čehijā baltkrievu sportistes spēlēs kleitiņās |