marossiya ([info]marossiya) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-15 08:12:00

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So, maybe I like older people, maybe my best friends just happen to be my art teacher and a black guy I never see anymore, maybe the only person I ever hang out with is Michael, maybe I enjoy college radio way too damn much, maybe I care more about how intelligent someone is than anything else, maybe I am a bitch, maybe I dress like I just rolled out of bed, maybe I keep away from showering so my hair will look the way I want, maybe I like it when my boyfriend begs for sex because I think it is hot, maybe I have issues, maybe I slack in class, maybe I don't floss correctly, maybe I eat ice and enjoy it, maybe I prefer showers over baths, maybe I hate people when they don't deserve it, maybe I am a snob, maybe I like oral better than just sex, maybe I should work out, maybe I ought to give things and people more chances, maybe I lie, maybe I am always cold, maybe I don't blow my nose, maybe I miss most of my old friends but know they were all bullshit but I still miss them, maybe I fake things, maybe my shoes smell really bad, maybe I have no idea what I want to major in because I like too many things, maybe I dislike people and act like I don't because I get tired of drama, maybe I could be more organized, maybe I could pay more attention in class, maybe I am a nice person I just don't show it, maybe I am addicted to the internet, maybe I live in a fantasy world that is close to reality, maybe I tend to correct people, maybe I like Vatica more than just the food is great but that I have always had that fascination with Indians and Ben Medina, maybe I want to travel everywhere and have that perfect opposite next to me, maybe I enjoy forcful kisses, maybe I actually like Dr. Phil, maybe I listen to Ashlee Simpson, maybe I don't much like war but always like guys who want to be in the military, maybe I doodle umbrellas, maybe I bite my nails, maybe I am dirt poor, maybe people don't like me, maybe I live in the past and the future but never the fucking present, maybe I'll never be happy, maybe I am afraid of relationships but always want one, maybe I still listen to Week Proposal, maybe I'm full of shit, maybe I have parents I can never believe, maybe I am due for a layout change, maybe I need to ship and mail a few things because I go insane, maybe I like catalog and online shoping, but I'm, human.

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