marija_jekabs ([info]marija_jekabs) rakstīja,
@ 2010-10-19 16:10:00

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Never apologize for saying what you feel, its like saying sorry for being real.

You are everything I never knew I was looking for.

I realy wish,that someday all my wishes would come true.

Why is Monday so far away from Friday, and Friday so bloody close to Monday ??

Life may be short, but it's the longest thing you'll have.

do you ever save a message in your phone because everytime you look at it you smile?

I pretend I don't care, but it makes me miss you more!

Missing someone is horrible, but knowing that they don't miss you back is worse.

How can you forget someone, who gave you so much to remember?- Its not so easy!

I hate when I’m trying to say goodbye to someone & 15 minutes later we’re still talking!

My needs are simple.All i need is everything.

i don’t want to be just another one. i want to be the one.

Hearing something that kills you inside and having to act like you don't care.

Someone crying doesnt mean weakness. Means they have been strong for too long.

If you want to play, expect to win or lose. I play TO WIN baby!

Guys have no idea how long something they said can stay in a girl's mind.

Even a good player could someday be a toy of a better player. The game is called karma.

We all have a friend who always thinks of everything in a dirty way.

You're single. I’m single. I like you. You like me. Am I missing something?

I love being in that mood where everything is hilarious.

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