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[5. Aug 2021|21:39]
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Date:6. Augusts 2021 - 13:53
Jāpiezīmē, ka pat Kanādas Justice Centre, kas jau pagājušā gada decembrī iesniedza pieteikumu tiesā par to, lai atceļ kovid ierobežojumus, nopublicēja:

Our legal team has reviewed the video circulating entitled: “Freedom Fighter Court VICTORY! Ends Masking, Shots, Quarantine in Alberta!” [..]

The video appears to contain several inaccuracies. It is unclear whether Mr. King fully understands the legal process he is involved in. It appears that Mr. King was unsuccessful in his attempt to subpoena Alberta’s Chief Medical Health Officer. In the government’s filed Originating Application,
“The Provincial Court proceeding is about the December 5, 2020 enforcement of the law (when Mr. King was issued the ticket), not the rational for the law. The CMOH does not have, and Mr. King does not seek from the CMOH, any evidence about the ticket issued to Mr. King,” states the Government Affidavit. [..] The Judge hearing the case informed the Accused, Mr. Patrick King, that he had not properly filed a Charter challenge against the law as required to fight the law itself, and thus could only address the ticket issued to him.
There is no indication that Mr. King’s case is connected to the relaxing of Covid restrictions in Alberta which fully opened on July 1, 2021. The Government of Alberta states they have opened the province due to achieving the government’s stated goal of 70% of Albertans receiving their first vaccine. Whether that is the reason, remains to be discovered in future court hearings.

Citiem vārdiem sakot, Patriks Kings domāja, ka viņš var tiesā runāt par ierobežojumu likumību, bet reāli tiesa to pat neskatīja, bet tikai to, vai viņš esošos likumus ievēroja, vai nē.
[User Picture]
Date:6. Augusts 2021 - 15:15
Tātad māsters Patriks nedaudz pārspīlēja savus sasniegumus. Vai vīruss vispār eksistē joprojām paliek noslēpums.
[User Picture]
Date:6. Augusts 2021 - 18:42
neapšaubāmi, tas ir tik liels noslēpums, ka visas pasaules medicīniskās laboratorijas ir sadevušās rociņās, lai to mums neteiktu.
[User Picture]
Date:6. Augusts 2021 - 18:43
Dažreiz teorija ir konspirācija, reizēm konspirācija nav teorija.
[User Picture]
Date:6. Augusts 2021 - 21:46
neapšaubāmi, dažreiz konspirācija var nebūt teorija.

tikai, raugi, kā lai atšķir.
[User Picture]
Date:6. Augusts 2021 - 21:53
čujs, ņuhs un poņa.
[User Picture]
Date:6. Augusts 2021 - 21:53
Es kaut ko palaidu garām, vai tas kaut kā tieši attiecas uz sākotnējo ierakstu par Patrika Kinga tiesāšanos?

Tas, ka par covid restrictioniem mēdz būt dažādi viedokļi nav nekas jauns - manis paša še citētā JCCF taču ir iesniegusi pieteikumu tiesā par to. Tāpat daudz kur citur, tai skaitā pat tepat cibā [info]extranjero un ne tikai viņš, izsaka vismaz loģikā un teorētiskos apsvērumos balstītas šaubas.