Month View
Here are the subjects of all posts by user magnificent in October, 2009.
7:10p | Par ko gan cilvēki sapņo... |
9:25p | Segas siltums |
10:20p | Vīrietis |
10:42p | Mīlestība un cieņa |
1:08p | (no subject) |
1:08p | (no subject) |
2:26p | (no subject) |
8:39p | (no subject) |
12:58p | (no subject) |
11:02a | (no subject) |
8:56p | (no subject) |
9:45p | (no subject) |
10:20p | (no subject) |
5:17p | Katrs savā pusē - a jēga?! ir? |
4:02p | Kad vienkārši gribās! Bez vārdiem, liekiem jautājumiem... |
7:59p | LĪDZ 18 GADIEM NELASĪT!!! |