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Tuesday, March 19th, 2019 11:14 am
Viirs chiiksteeja, ka nevar savaakties dokumentus sakraameet, es vinjam ieteicu noskatiities Marie Kondo Netflix seerijas. Nepagaaja ne nedeelja, kaa vinjsh saaka mani maaciit, kaa lociit vinja zekjes un kaa organizeet manu skapi un veel tirinaajaas, ka man pashai jaanoskataas, jo man redz paaraak daudz mantu esot.

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Tuesday, March 12th, 2019 09:40 am
Peedeejaas paaris dienas ar viiru pirms guleetieshanas kopaa lasaam gultaa. Finally!

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Saturday, March 2nd, 2019 01:40 pm
Lai vieglas smiltis...

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Friday, March 1st, 2019 10:44 am
Izraadaas, ka dziljaak rokoties iekshaas, sen aizmirsti suudi lien aaraa.
Izraadaas, ka iipasha veelme buut perfektai ir ilgi sleepusies kaut kur zemapzinjaa.
Izraadaas, ka gruuti atziit, ka es neesmu perfekta.

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Tuesday, February 26th, 2019 03:49 pm
Darbs jaunajaa kompaanijaa tiiri taa neko! Buus ljoti daudz daraamaa, bet es domaaju, ka viss notiksies!

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Tuesday, February 12th, 2019 09:41 pm

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Wednesday, January 9th, 2019 01:02 pm
Es gribeetu ieteikt cilveekiem nepreceeties. Nahuj, pilniigi nevajadziigi.

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Monday, November 19th, 2018 02:52 pm
Aarpraats, mana priekshniece ir taada suchka. Es nevaru iztureet. Nee, nestaastiishu detaljas. Vienkaarshi besii aaraa.

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Tuesday, November 13th, 2018 09:52 am
Protams, Tomam neko neatbildeeju. Rezultaataa vinjsh noleema uzrakstiit veel visaadas drazinjas feisbukjii:

"I'm listening to mushroom jazz volume 2 now. Nostalgia vibes! Sorry if I was spiky a couple of weeks ago. Nono dropped dead recently and my mood turned foul shortly after. I have no more grandparents sadly ..... But sorry if my tone was harsh. You know what I'm like, passionate geezer. I didn't intend to go on the attack. I was just feeling sad 😞 I won't forget how supportive you were of me over the years. I'll always remember and appreciate that 😘

And look, if dressing as an Indian guru and meditating at Brooklyn vegan rooftop parties makes you happy, then that's what you have to do. I find it embarrassing, but we are not connected any more, so why should you give a shit about my opinion. Your unwashed Brooklyn hipster boyfriend obviously appreciates it, so that's what's important ultimately. Who gives a fuck what cultured people think these days. Planet earth is going down the toliet either way. So just do what makes you happy. Anyway, sorry for being spiky. It's kinda a habit of mine. But I'm sure you know that 😉 I hope professional life and Brooklyn life is going well. Lots of kisses, and forgive my bad behaviour xxx"

Veel jo mazaak gribaas kaut ko atbildeet. Varbuut uzrakstiis veel!

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Friday, October 26th, 2018 12:27 pm
Situ galvu pret sienu, censhoties saprast, kas manii notiek, jo viss, kas notiek apkaart, tachu naak no iekshas. Izraudaajos tik taalu, ka beidzot pieleca, ko viirs visu laiku centies paskaidrot, bet es neesmu bijusi speejiiga redzeet pati. Taa vietaa, lai vinjaa klausiitos, uzstaaju, lai vinjsh klausaas mani, un rezultaataa viens otru nemaz nedzirdeejaam, tik uzstaajaam, ka otra persona neklausaas. Bet patiesiibaa es biju taa, kas neklausiijaas. Es neklausiijos, kaa vinjsh centaas mani stuureet virzienaa uz augshu, un taa vietaa uzstaaju, ka mans virziens ir pareizaaks. Bet koliidz paarmainjas peec iedomaajos apsveert, ka vinjam vareetu buut taisniiba, viss mainiijaas. Peekshnji viss, ko viirs peedeejo seshu meeneshu laikaa centaas man paskaidrot, bija aciimredzams, un uzreiz kljuva skaidrs, kaa es sevi liidz shim suudam biju novedusi.

Iisaak sakot, staasta moraale, ka, kaa gan var gaidiit jaunu rezultaatu, ja turpina veco uzvediibu. No sirds iesaku jebkura striida situaacijaa apsveert, ka varbuut otrs cilveeks necenshaas iespiiteet taapat prikola peec, ka varbuut otrs cilveeks iisteniibaa censhas tev paliidzeet.

First you whispered
I couldn't hear you
Then you cleared your throat and tried again
I didn't pay attention
You made your statements more assertive
I decided you are wrong
You shouted from the depth of your navel
I wrote it all off as background noise
So you stopped talking

In silence all your words crawled out of my subconscious
They settled in my heart and waited
For me to read what you meant
I tried to listen with my mind
While it was your soul touching mine
Your love was there from the very beginning
So we started talking again

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Thursday, October 25th, 2018 09:28 am
Peedeejaa laikaa centos saprast, no kurienes taada hroniska vainas apzinja radusies. Beidzot pieleca! Vainas apzinja uzmetusies, jo kaads ljoti aktiivi mani vaino pie katra leemuma, ko vinjsh pienjem dziivee.

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Wednesday, October 24th, 2018 01:27 pm
Mana padotaa uzaicinaaja savu braali uz darbu apsveicinaaties ar visiem un paraadiit, kur straadaa (jaa, tas ir normaali):

S: That's my boss - Marina. Marina, that's my brother.
M: Hi, nice to meet you!
S: She's my friend.


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Friday, October 12th, 2018 09:47 am
Ak dies, ak dies. Londonas Toms izdomaaja, ka jaauzraksta man feisbukjii:

"Hey babe. My family just told me you got married. Congratulations 😘 you know you have our support always! Blessings my babe .... I checked your Instagram recently and I was very surprised. Why you behaving like some Indian dude when you come from Latvia? Strange behaviour .... You are one of the most decent girls on planet earth. I will love you til the day we're dead. I don't like to see you trying to impress white American scum. Your better than that. Stop acting like a clown and take some respect of your natural beauty. Send my love to your family. I love them very much ..... I know you put hate on my name, but me and my family love you very much. Remember that, and remember who you are .... don't behave like some disgraceful white chick who doesn't give a fuck about anything. White hipster culture is the most horrible in the world right now. I would like to think your better than that xxx

And why are you named after Boris Johnson's wife??? Keep your maiden name for fake sack. No one wants to be associated with Tory party scum ..... this is why the last 3 girls I've dated are Muslim. They understand what it is to be a decent woman .... It's so sad what's happened to white western culture recently. We sit hear and prented, when let's face it, half our people our cultural stealing fakers. Sad to see 😞"

Poll #21251 Jautaajums
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Ko man atbildeet Tomam?

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You will never understand what love means
0 (0.0%)

Thank you for your kind words! Please send my love to your family as well.
5 (45.5%)

I see you haven't changed at all
1 (9.1%)

3 (27.3%)

Fuck you too
2 (18.2%)

Kaut ko citu:

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Tuesday, September 25th, 2018 04:10 pm
Karoche darbaa kaads izdomaaja, ka nafig nedosim cilveekiem neierobezhotas briivdienas vairs, bet taa vietaa atnjemsim naudas tiem, kuru paarteeja vairaak par 15 dienaam. Un, ak, kaa tas mani ir novedis. Grauzh taa, ka pilniigi gribaas iet prom uzreiz un pateikt visiem, lai iet kakaat.

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Monday, September 24th, 2018 10:43 am
Nu labi. Esmu apnjeemusies sadabuut uz jauno gadu jaunu darbu.

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Thursday, September 13th, 2018 01:00 am
Varbuut tieshaam jaasaak vairaak cibot. Es kaut kaa pavisam aizmirsusi kaa cepties par lietaam. Bez maz vai automaatiski koliidz rodas situaacija, kuraa kaut kas nav iisti tekoshi, iesleedzu I'm a yogi attieksmi un visu risinu taa ljoti civilizeeti. Laiku pa laikam gan laikam ljoti veseliigi buutu pabljaustiities.

Bet vispaar, aizdomaajos kaut kaa shovakar un sapratu, ka manii dziivo ljoti ljoti ljoti ljoti daudz vainas apzinjas. Nu taa, ka par visu ir sava veidas vainas apzinja. Interesanti, kaa mees shito aarsteesim...

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Thursday, August 9th, 2018 09:03 am
Pieradaam pie antibiotikaam un, ak, izraadaas straadaa tabletiites! Ar katru dienu miglinja arvien mazaaka, praats skaidraaks un garastaavoklis labaaks.


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Saturday, August 4th, 2018 08:12 am
Ar antibiotikaam sajuutas taadas, ka 'stead of makin' me better, you keep makin' me ill. Bet kambucha paarsteidzoshi effektiivs pret-vemshanas dzeeriens. Man bail iedomaaties, ko tajaas zaalees liek iekshaa, ka gandriiz momentaali paliek nelabi.

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Friday, August 3rd, 2018 04:54 pm
Njujorkaa dziivojot, ikgadeejaas aarsta viziites analiizhu sarakstam vienmeer pievienoju laimu. Eerces shajos mezhos daudz, ne vienmeer izdodas pamaniit, kur iekodiis. Naakamaa paarbaude nebija paredzeeta liidz novembrim, bet nesen sapnii redzeeju, ka man eerce esot iekodusi. Es nenjeemu to iisti veeraa, bet Kregs uzstaaja, ka es eju pie aarsta. Asins analiizhu rezultaati uzraadiija, ka, jaa, laims ir.

No vienas puses stulbi, no otras, a forshi, ka zemapzinja nav dura, vissvariigaako informaaciju apzinjaa iespiezh.

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Wednesday, August 1st, 2018 11:29 am
- Do you know Bella Ciao?
- Yes, it's a beautiful song!
- Of course, because you are from Europe! Do you know what it's about?
- War.
- Yes, and about how a partisan will be buried in unnamed grave and then a flower will grow there and people will walk past talking about how beautiful the flower is and will have no idea that a partisan is buried there.

Rezultaataa ljoti ciitiigi naacaas mekleet tieshi to dziesmas versiju, kas sen nav galvaa skaneejusi, ar kuru nez kaapeec pirmaa asociaacija ir saistiita ar [info]iza.

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Current Music: Anita Lane - Bella Ciao

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