Ak dies, ak dies. Londonas Toms izdomaaja, ka jaauzraksta man feisbukjii:
"Hey babe. My family just told me you got married. Congratulations 😘 you know you have our support always! Blessings my babe .... I checked your Instagram recently and I was very surprised. Why you behaving like some Indian dude when you come from Latvia? Strange behaviour .... You are one of the most decent girls on planet earth. I will love you til the day we're dead. I don't like to see you trying to impress white American scum. Your better than that. Stop acting like a clown and take some respect of your natural beauty. Send my love to your family. I love them very much ..... I know you put hate on my name, but me and my family love you very much. Remember that, and remember who you are .... don't behave like some disgraceful white chick who doesn't give a fuck about anything. White hipster culture is the most horrible in the world right now. I would like to think your better than that xxx
And why are you named after Boris Johnson's wife??? Keep your maiden name for fake sack. No one wants to be associated with Tory party scum ..... this is why the last 3 girls I've dated are Muslim. They understand what it is to be a decent woman .... It's so sad what's happened to white western culture recently. We sit hear and prented, when let's face it, half our people our cultural stealing fakers. Sad to see 😞"
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