Protams, Tomam neko neatbildeeju. Rezultaataa vinjsh noleema uzrakstiit veel visaadas drazinjas feisbukjii:
"I'm listening to mushroom jazz volume 2 now. Nostalgia vibes! Sorry if I was spiky a couple of weeks ago. Nono dropped dead recently and my mood turned foul shortly after. I have no more grandparents sadly ..... But sorry if my tone was harsh. You know what I'm like, passionate geezer. I didn't intend to go on the attack. I was just feeling sad 😞 I won't forget how supportive you were of me over the years. I'll always remember and appreciate that 😘
And look, if dressing as an Indian guru and meditating at Brooklyn vegan rooftop parties makes you happy, then that's what you have to do. I find it embarrassing, but we are not connected any more, so why should you give a shit about my opinion. Your unwashed Brooklyn hipster boyfriend obviously appreciates it, so that's what's important ultimately. Who gives a fuck what cultured people think these days. Planet earth is going down the toliet either way. So just do what makes you happy. Anyway, sorry for being spiky. It's kinda a habit of mine. But I'm sure you know that 😉 I hope professional life and Brooklyn life is going well. Lots of kisses, and forgive my bad behaviour xxx"
Veel jo mazaak gribaas kaut ko atbildeet. Varbuut uzrakstiis veel!