labils ([info]labils) rakstīja,
@ 2010-05-31 23:35:00

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derīgo personu skaits ir absolūti nepastāvīgs un nesvarīgs.
skarbi ja nevar saštukot nevienu vienīgu. tas man prātā ienāca pa ceļam uz vientulību.

(Ierakstīt jaunu komentāru)

2010-06-01 00:48 (saite)

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2010-06-01 01:09 (saite)
ir problēma ir risinājums

Napoleon XIV- I live in a split level head

I´ve lived in apartments, I´ve lived in a home
I travelled in trailers when I used to roam
But now in these places you won´t have me dead
´Cause I´m happy I live in a split-level head

I do what I want to, no worries, no care
If anyone bugs me I climb up my stairs
Way up to a level where I feel no threat
´Cause I´m happy I live in a split-level head

If you´re trying something, I couldn´t care less
I don´t rush for busses and trains are a mess
There´s no one to care for, I don´t need a bed
´Cause I´m happy I live in a split-level head

I like how I´m living, I´m nobody´s slave
My head´s above water, so don´t make a wave
There are no doors to lock and no dogs to be fed
´Cause I´m happy I live in a split-level head

Now why should I move when the neighborhood´s right?
No taxes to pay and no landlord to fight
Now I call this living, what´s more, like I said
´cause Im happy I live in a split-level head

Now you keep your ulcers, your ills, and what, too
You sure couldn´t have them and live like I do
You think I hace problems, but you do instead
´Cause I´m happy I live in a split-level head

I live with two people, I like both of them
He likes both of me and I like both of him
They´re my alter-ego and to them I´m wed
´Cause I´m happy I live in a split-level head

There´s no simple status in my neighborhood
And that kind of thinking, I think it´s so good
And I don´t take the lead when I like to be led
´Cause I´m happy I live in a split-level head

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

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