kraist ([info]kraist) rakstīja,
@ 2008-01-16 19:03:00

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Garastāvoklis: happy
Mūzika:AAF - Good

Sry par smapu kaut gan kuru tas interesee, bet nevareeju vienkaarsi notureeties...



I Never thought that you'd find out I did it.
I was so scared that you'd leave, so I hid it.
I know we said that we'd always be honest.
So now I went out and messed up our nest.
It finally seems like we turned into strangers.
It's gotten so bad there's just no more anger.
So now it seems like we can't get no further.
I can't Believe I'll be bright for another.
I'll be the switch she turns on.
She'll be mine too, I'll get off.
I'll be the fuse that she blows, and
Even with the lights out we'll glow.
So where's the sun, it's shown no love on your face.
Under the moon and with a girl that's in your place.
And even Edison has no idea of all the blackouts
I've cause you and me - ah!
I'll be the switch she turns on.
She'll be mine too, I'll Get off.
I'll be the fuse that she blows,
And even with the lights out we'll glow.
I'll be the fuse.

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