braalis, komats ([info]komats) rakstīja,
@ 2006-05-08 14:12:00

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poetry contest by Charles Bukowski
send as many poems as you wish, only
keep each to a maximum of ten lines.
no limit as to style or content
although we prefer poems of
double space
with your name and address in the
upper left hand
editors not responsible for
without an s.a.s.e.
every effort
will be made to
judge all works within 90
after careful screeing
the final choice will be made by
Elly May Moody,
general editor in charge.
please enclose ten dollars for
each poem
a final grand prize of seventy-five dollars will
be awarded the winner
of the
Elly May Moody Golden Poetry
along with a scroll
signed by
Elly May Moody.
there will also be 2nd, 3rd and
4th prize scrolls
also signed by
Elly May Moody.
all decisions will be
the prize winners will
appear in the Spring issue of
The Heart of Heaven
prize winners will also receive
one copy of the magazine
along with
Elly May Moody's
latest collection of
The Place Where Winter

(The Last Night of the Earth Poems)

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