Hypocritic critic
I'm the cat who lost its black
Viss, ko es daru, ir nepareizi
Posted on 2017.01.10 at 21:47
You are not allowed to belittle me for my beliefs
Because they do not fit with yours,
And you don’t hear the same tune
It’s different music that I dance to—
But I let you dance
In your own way,
I let you swing and sway and say
Whatever the hell you want
Making me feel foolish
Because I hypothesize about a universe
Laws of attraction
And energy
And am fascinated by mediums
Yeah—the kind that talks to spirits
But I also believe in science,
Scream for social justice
And monotonous stuff like math
I also seek the facts
Double-check my sources
And question everything
I’m a devoted skeptic
But a recovering cynic
I am a dreamer
A realist
A thought provoker
A shameless idealist
And I love individual expression
And the vast amount of colours
That makes our complex world art
And you can’t turn your nose up at me
Because you prefer to live in black and white
No you cannot scoff at me
When you don’t understand,
Because you don’t want to appreciate
When you’re swaying in place
And I’m dancing the spectrum
by Kimberly Kostashuk
Because they do not fit with yours,
And you don’t hear the same tune
It’s different music that I dance to—
But I let you dance
In your own way,
I let you swing and sway and say
Whatever the hell you want
Making me feel foolish
Because I hypothesize about a universe
Laws of attraction
And energy
And am fascinated by mediums
Yeah—the kind that talks to spirits
But I also believe in science,
Scream for social justice
And monotonous stuff like math
I also seek the facts
Double-check my sources
And question everything
I’m a devoted skeptic
But a recovering cynic
I am a dreamer
A realist
A thought provoker
A shameless idealist
And I love individual expression
And the vast amount of colours
That makes our complex world art
And you can’t turn your nose up at me
Because you prefer to live in black and white
No you cannot scoff at me
When you don’t understand,
Because you don’t want to appreciate
When you’re swaying in place
And I’m dancing the spectrum
by Kimberly Kostashuk
Pseudo Social Justice Warrior
Posted on 2017.01.10 at 22:06
Kā jau šodien rakstīju komentārā, mans hobijs ir pārstāvēt citu intereses ne tikai internetā, bet arī dzīvē. Taču viss, ko es es saku, nav patiess. Tikai tas, ko saka citi, ir patiess. Pastāv kaut kādi universāli likumi, pret kuriem individuālie likumi ir muļķības un iedomas. Līdz ar to tu nevari būt pasaules līdzveidotājs, ja pakļaujies šiem likumiem. Lielākais tikums - paklausība. Lielākais grēks - radības sacelšanās. Nē, es neesmu pats labākais izveidotais materiāls. Esmu nekas, dabas kļūda, dzimis ļauns. Viss ir liela kļūda. Mani ētiskie ideāli, manas izvēles, mans patoss. Kāpēc mans? Man taču nekas nepieder. Viss ir sapuvis un lipīgs. Pārvērties melnā krāsā. I feel the light betray me.