klusha111 ([info]klusha111) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-17 16:12:00

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ooh, denied!
Hello, gentle reader. With regret, I admit this will be my last public post for a while. My future posts will be done in friends-only or friends-filtered modes, so make sure youve logged in. Ive auto-converted all of my public entries (historic) to a special custom security group level (with all of my friends), due to aforementioned security issues. If you have any problems viewing my entries, or notice any strange bugs, or even if there was anything public that you would like me to change back, please comment/email/IM me, Id be glad to fix things.But! Considering the nature of the change, now Ill be loading up my friends list more than ever in an effort to find other LiveJournalists to share and commiserate with, so dont be discouraged if this is all you can see of my journal. Im at least slightly more interesting than this public drivel, I swear. :) Drop me a line, plenty of contact info in

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