klusha111 ([info]klusha111) rakstīja,
@ 2010-01-06 02:20:00

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I woke up at Corby's dorm and after we went on a nice jog, I found myself browsing my "masochistic preoccupations" bookmark folder, and in that is a friend's blog. Browsing to catch up (I've been so busy with work and working out that I've gotten behind on all things internets) what do I find? Besides the usual talk of his shows and graduation and psychotherapy, there's a little mini-rant about yours truly! How exciting! I'm efamous! Just for the record, there are things wrong with you and me. The only things I can think of would be your little "you're crazy!" eyebrow faces that I told you were insulting, your obsessive body image standards, and then of course your fear of intimacy. But hey, we've all got our hang-ups. I'm personally glad we've distanced ourselves, too, because a lot of your neuroses were really unhealthy to be around, and it's unpleasant to have your relationship so much revolve around talking about someone else (crazy specifically). I theorize that your psychologist was trying to contrast my methods of calling you on your shit with her own to distance herself from the negative connotations you absorbed from aforementioned third parties and self-discrepencies. That's fine. It's too bad that you don't see how uncouth it was to publicly write about me like that, because now I've had to do the same.Now, he isn't a bad guy. He's quite intelligent in areas that made him an enjoyable friend, he's conversational sometimes, and he's generally well-rounded with a pleasant sense of humor. Unfortunately for our already-challenged friendship, I just don't keep people around who want to casually mention me in such a manner, so I'll have to say, "See you later!"In other news, work is going fabulously, and finally I have a day off (today). It's nice to relax and not smell/look like the whole store exploded all over my face and body. It's also refreshing to get 8 hours of sleep, I think I'm going to pencil in 8 hours nightly and try to stick to it. I need to do some laundry. Maybe I can shrink things a bit, because my pants are starting to get loose, and I'm like right between belt holes in my favorite belt. It's frustrating. That's the plan. And reading some more ACT prep.edit: made friends-filtered, 28th may 2005, 7:40pm.edit 2: due to false accusations, made public and screened selected comments, 2nd june 2005, 5:00pm, proving that i didn't delete any comments or the post. i just didn't feel that the discourse between eric and i needed to be completely public. the post itself i still feel should be public. screening the personal comments was a better choice.

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