klusha111 ([info]klusha111) rakstīja,
@ 2010-01-03 19:28:00

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house of wax
While it did earn the title of the goriest movie I have ever seen, there were several times that I attempted to walk out of HOUSE OF WAX--but Mary stopped me. I really wish I had. The acting was mediocre, there were the standard illogical horror movie mistakes, the plot was predictable, and the sequence of horrific events adheres to an extremely cinematically unpleasant beat. You just don't get a chance to breathe before being assaulted with more. And, I know, everyone is excited about seeing Paris Hilton die, but I really didn't find it all that entertaining. I did laugh at Mary's screaming. I left the theatre very dissatisfied, because I just did not agree with the movie's course, level of gore, plot crappiness, those little nagging things that don't make sense. (How could wax adhere to skin, with skin oils, enough that Wade's face would fall off while he's still alive? How can skin harden so much that it would break off like that? How could the House of Wax not have any structural support? How could her finger be cut off and not hurt? How come she didn't use her saliva to eat through the super-glue?) I can't recommend seeing this movie, but, I'll say that it was a cheap thrill for those who enjoy the masochism of horror flicks. I completely don't--I was angry and bitchy and sigh-y for a good 10 minutes after we left the movie. Ask Mary!Note to self: don't waste time/money on horror flicks ever again. Go see movies like CRASH that will give you a new perspective on life, or movies that will make you cry.

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