klusha111 ([info]klusha111) rakstīja,
@ 2010-01-01 16:07:00

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garageband is hot
I just totally made my first ever mix/mash/edit in GarageBand. It was way difficult. I had no idea how hard it was to mash two songs and match together beats and keys and the exact right points in the song to transition or overlay. Let alone how difficult it is even in the simplest of audio applications to like move around clips and apply sound effects. It's not like you're editing one image frame or that you can all that easily see exactly what you're dealing with and edit/move/remove it. By far the hardest part of the process is listening, and then going back, and selecting, and then you can modify, move, or whatever. Each time you don't like what you just changed, you have to listen to it, decide what to change/move, and then start the process over. So time-consuming, compared to something that takes just a glance in realtime to decide you don't like it, such as in my design forte.Anyway, to compound things, I have no idea how to strip instrumentals from a track, I have no a cappella tracks, and I couldn't find a good place online to download any a cappella tracks (without too much trouble, or in the style I want), so... I used one of my favorite Crank Yankers tracks!If I ever make anything again, audio-wise, at least I'll be able to look at this as a starting point, someday. I figure it's mostly a proof of concept, but wow, if it doesn't fit together at all the right parts with the instrumental track I used, and with the minor editing I made to that, and my reuse and filtering of the audio clips of the Crank Yankers recording, I'll be damned: it's technically a mash. I sent it to two people and they were like, "what," though I think that's more to do with the potential genre of what I put together (house/electroclash with spoken word vocals). I guess if anybody wants to hear it, they can ask me on AIM nicely and I may oblige their masochism.

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