klusha111 ([info]klusha111) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-15 08:54:00

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skipping to the sensible dinner
On a whim, my last trip to the grocery store left me with a six-pack of Slim-Fast in my cart. Who knows why I chose Strawberries and Cream, but I wish I hadnt. It is really, really disgusting. I tried to drink it from the can, that wasnt working for me. I poured it into a regular glass, I could not stomache it. I tried it really cold, that didnt help. I keep seeing the poor, lonely box sitting in the pantry, and I knew that if I didnt ever try to drink one, they would never get drunk. I forced myself to drink an entire cans worth of the pink stuff, during which I could not help from gagging, and I was left with a disgusting feeling, so I relieved myself hunched on top of the toilet. I wonder if this is how people lose weight by drinking it. Regardless, I learned my lessons: just because it looks good does not mean it will taste good, eating healthy is not always easy, and you cant chug Slim-Fast.At least it comes up smooth.(Update 7/02/03: Why is this public? Who knows, because it got eaten by the conversion, and in the course of restoring it from an archive I decided that no one should unknowingly be subjected to Strawberries and Cream Slim-Fast! Five cans still sit in the box, tucked away in our cupboard.)

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