klusha111 ([info]klusha111) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-31 02:48:00

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I'm getting really tired of not having internet access at home
I'm getting really tired of not having internet access at home, how I can't post things when I think of them (so I end up with huge long boring entries where I don't really go into detail or put forth much effort because there is just too much to write about). I hate not being able to google for answers to random questions I think up, or look for images or stock photography for things I am producing, things like that. I have grown to become internet-dependant over the years. While at first being without internet was kind of like an adventure--roughing it, you know--now it has grown aggravating and tedious and my life is completely boring. Or rather, it would be, if I didn't have all of the drama going on. I just want to go back to a simpler life without drama. Where I could drown myself in LiveJournal and Friendster and Google and mac rumors and phone geekery and AIM and IRC and gnutella and my websites and all of my friends scattered about the world who were the only ones that were nice to me.Instead, I have the library. I think there are 30 other people on these shitty wintels surfing the web, and I have come to the conclusion that we are sharing a 28.8kbps dialup connection. There really could be no other answer, considering the abhorrent download/display speeds I am tolerating. Little is more infuriating than knowing exactly what you want, but having to wait, in silence, unsure if you will ever get it.Stay tuned for continued friends-only posts.

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