klusha111 ([info]klusha111) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-29 23:29:00

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i'm irresistable you fool
Apparently the contract you sign when getting a checking account falls under that whole "legally binding contract" thing that causes problems for 18-year-olds in Nebraska. I learned this while trying to open an account at Security National Bank. Apparently what I signed with Commercial Federal really doesn't hold any water, so I could run up ten grand in bounced checks and not be liable because no one else is on the account and I was not 19 when I originally started my account and signed all of the papers. So I could just go on a big shopping spree!(I don't think I'd do that, because it would be dishonest, and they'd probably find some way to ruin my credit, but it was a risk on their part, and they knew my birthdate. It is annoying to find other banks won't take that risk.)After going over to ComFed to deposit my check there (begrudgingly--though the teller was so sweet), I withdrew some funds, and happily I went to Baker's grocery store. I picked up a 24-pack of waters, a Mango Madness Snapple, a "Chicken Enchilada Suizo" Lean Cuisine, some "lite" Dannon Strawberry yogurt that was on sale, and some cheap protein bar that was supposedly "Caramel Apple" in flavor. You know, trying to eat a healthy lunch until I buy groceries tonight to make my own lunches. I was afraid to buy more than one of any of the above, because I might not like them.Sure enough. With the exception of the Canadian Spring Water (everything Canadian tastes better *winks*), gross. The Snapple was okay (won't bother with that flavor again though). I neglected to read the details of the Lean Cuisine (and of course I don't know Spanish), so I didn't realize that the "suizo" apparently means something to do with being sour cream-based. I generally dislike sour cream in anything you can taste it in. It was gross. The protein bar was like a big chunk of chewy bland material that had a spattering of some wax-looking material on top (which was supposed to faintly taste of Caramel Apple). I had to force myself to swallow it through all the gagging. I knew it was good for me. The yogurt is nearly tasteless. So that was my delicious lunch. I snuck a few Wheatables that a coworker had brought in.I was playing with the haiku generator.. got this pretty awesome one amongst many nonsensical haiku.LiveJournal Haiku!Your name:ibradYour haiku:am starting to readyour crap but it is hard toglance away from itUsername: Created by GrahameSo my friend xpurple has inspired me to do an audio (blog) post. I just have to stop being paranoid and insecure and give it a try. Though I don't think I could ever possibly be as hilarious or interesting as comes naturally to dear Tom--I am going to make one. A few of my other great friends have done audio posts (besides xpurple, I can think of mart, realmac, iworshipsatin SORT OF, I'm thinking maybe vorpal and underthebridge too? who else?!), and I'm all about mixing it up. So maybe I'll try later tonight with my internal mic. Any ideas for topics? Any questions you'd like me to answer? :)

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