klusha111 ([info]klusha111) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-27 17:50:00

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curious digital cable box, and a new icon
I went to go watch the morning news, and the digital cable box started flashing all kinds of crazy numbers and lights, then I try to turn it off and it starts turning itself on and off every few seconds. There was no way to stop it short of unplugging it. How odd. I have a feeling they may have shut that service off, it is far past the middle of the month. Cable internet seems to still be working, but who knows for how long.So, I figured I might as well upload my new user icon that I put together. I'd say that I made it, but I didn't really. Slightly modified video capture, resized and cropped, color modified, 1px border and text added. I didn't want it to be completely unoriginal, or as easily stolen as my yip-yips have proven to be. Then, I shouldn't feel guilty because 75% of LiveJournal uses user icons that aren't their own. (Which kind of annoys me.. especially if you have a paid account, and all 10 or 12 pictures are anime or something. It's wasteful, get a picture of you up there... But that is a rant for another day.)So who remembers the teeny little super guy?! From Sesame Street?! Episodes that didn't have the TLSG, the YYAs (Yip Yip Aliens), Cecille, or at least the dancing pigs, used to make me mad.. I loved those guys so much when I was little.

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