klusha111 ([info]klusha111) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-24 09:44:00

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wong.ulo.us, laundry backup
I changed the design of wong.ulo.us a bit (my newest project), got Movable Type and gallery working and installed, had some CSS fun, played with templates, and then got gallery integrated with MT's templating system. Two different templating systems for each but always an interesting solution. I am going to use Movable Type's integrated templating to add design continuity and dynamic MT blog information to every page on the site. Despite the static template-editing interface, this is already contributing to easier web-based code-editing. Anyhow, now I've just been tweaking things and waxing philosophical about content and demand (or lack thereof). Some IE 6 users were complaining about horizontal scrollbars, and I realized why that was happening and made a more elegant CSS fix. I have yet to make all of the templates for the lesser- and never-used MT/gallery documents, make the junk/linkage/contact areas, and go through all of the HTML/XHTML/CSS with a fine-toothed comb (and feebly attempt to get it to validate). It has been so long since I have done anything of this nature, I feel strange talking about it. So, as usual, I want to know what the website feels like to you, if it works okay, and if anyone has any suggestions! You can even go comment on the site itself if you wish.It's all a work in progress.I am really thankful for the opportunity to have a great webhost and fitting subdomain for it. I haven't really had a working/reliable/updated personal website in a long time. My old brad.digistatic.net website is long gone, I never used or renewed any bradbower.* domain, my .Mac homepage is practically useless, and I had some troubles getting things to work on ibrad.net, and then began to wonder if the ubiquity of my @ibrad.net email addresses would lead to issues with privacy if I were to put too much on ibrad.net. Though I am still thinking of what I can do with ibrad.net. I want this new website to represent some of the nicer things in personal/vanity/blog websites today. I want it to be something that at least gets close to being finished, and I want to use it. I don't know yet how or how much I'll be using the MT blog to supplant this LiveJournal, but I don't think I could ever abandon LJ. I just want it to be a fun personal website that works and where I can try out things like MT, gallery, php-iCal, etc. I'm thinking that I would like for it to be more for my online persona and goings-on, hence the "wongulous," my AIM screenname for the uninitiated. However, just linking to it here, using my name therein, and telling a few friends about it has already caused its purpose to surpass that, so it will be some other strange breed of website. More to come regarding thoughts on privacy.(Note: forgot to post the preceding entry portion last night.)Ugh.. what a way to start the day. I was washing laundry this morning and I let it go for too long without checking, so I ran downstairs to find several inches of water in the laundry room/basement. Something is backed up. I don't really know what to do about all the water.. I am taking a break for a second to see if it is going to drain, and try to figure out what to do. Before I start carrying buckets of water out/around, I'm going to try plunging and using the pipe snake, but I hope icky things don't come up, because I don't know where any of my old irrigation boots are..

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